
Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (36) - Hope that the CCP will be swept into the dustbin of history soon

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (36) - Hope that the CCP will be swept into the dustbin of history soon

The UNHCR Thailand Office, bought by the CCP, is the world's largest refugee protection and resettlement agency, with more than 10,000 employees in Thailand (there are more than 700,000 refugees in Thailand for many years).

The Chinese refugees that the UNHCR does not resettle are the largest refugee group in the world.

Now that Thailand has achieved democracy and the Pheu Thai Party has been in power for more than a year, the UNHCR still violates its promise and does not resettle a large number of Chinese refugees who have been stranded in Thailand for 10 years.

I hope that the Thai government can form an alliance with the United States and all democratic countries to defend democracy, freedom and human rights and fight against the CCP's destruction of the world order.

I hope that the work of the UNHCR will return to normal as soon as possible.

I hope that more people will respond to the call of the United States and fight against the evil CCP.

I hope that the CCP will be swept into the dustbin of history soon.

The above is what I think.

Wang Dalin (refugee number: 815-13C01255), written in Bangkok, Thailand on December 2, 2024.

Appendix: Links to the first thirty-five articles.  https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/

The above article is translated by network software. The following is the original text. 以上文章用网络软件翻译以下是原文。














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