
Wang Dalin: The Thailand office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is murdering refugees (26) - Report the crime 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(二十六)——报案

 Wang Dalin: The Thailand office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is murdering refugees (26) - Report the crime

In order to poison me with vegetables, the Thailand office of the United Nations Refugee Agency bought by the CCP took away the original vegetable stall owners near my residence, bought a group of people, and arranged for them to sell vegetables around my residence, and under the guise of using vegetables for testing Under the banner of refugees, I instruct UNHCR staff to bring the high-quality vegetables that I often buy that have been poisoned by poisoners, and sell them to these stall owners for free, and together with these stall owners, they use the excuse of testing the vegetables. To prevent other customers from buying poisonous vegetables that I didn’t buy, UNHCR will arrange for people to buy them and throw them away (these stall owners and UNHCR staff probably know people who often buy poisonous vegetables and throw them away).

(August 2021-October 2022), I had a severe poisoning reaction after eating the vegetables sold by the following 6 vegetable stalls around my residence (Soi 98, Lat Phrao Road). After that, I only had a severe poisoning reaction at makro and Big When I buy vegetables at Supermarket C, the owners of these six vegetable stalls have not changed. As long as I buy vegetables at the vegetable stalls, UNHCR will continue to poison me.

I ate fruits and vegetables sold at the vegetable stall in Alley 98, and I was poisoned the most times and had the most severe poisoning reactions. I was also infected with biological viruses many times. Not only was this stall owner specially arranged by the UNHCR to sell vegetables at the alley where I live, but he also had to He sells the cheapest vegetables and fruits, and the free vegetables and fruits (poisonous vegetables and fruits) given to him by the UNHCR, he will prevent other customers from buying, and only sell them to me and those who throw away the poisonous vegetables (people around him can testify).

I ate the vegetables sold at the vegetable stall in the morning at the middle gate of Big C. I got the second most poisoning and the second most severe poisoning reaction. The UNHCR specially arranged for a female employee in her 30s to work at this vegetable stall. When I came to buy vegetables, Someone will notify her of my arrival, and she will put out the high-quality vegetables (poisonous vegetables) that I often buy for sale.

I ate the vegetables sold at the vegetable stall in the southeast of Big C in the afternoon and evening. I had the third highest number of poisonings and the third most serious poisoning reaction. There were two young female workers in the stall next to this vegetable stall. They should have seen this dish many times. When the stall owners and UNHCR staff saw me coming, they put out the high-quality vegetables (poisonous vegetables) that I often buy for sale.

The above is what I think is the case.


The Royal Thai Police, the Prosecutor's Office of Thailand, the Prime Minister's Office of Thailand, the Supreme Court of Thailand, the Ministry of Justice of Thailand and other units.

Wang Dalin (refugee number: 815-13C01255), wrote in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on March 27, 2024.

Attached: links to these six vegetable stall videos and links to the first twenty-five articles. https://igdb4pss1.blogspot.com/     https://igd0bpss1.blogspot.com/ 

The above article is translated by network software. The following is the original text. 以上文章用网络软件翻译以下是原文。



(2021年8月-2022年10月)期间,我吃我住处(Soi 98,Lat Phrao Road)周围以下这6个菜摊卖的菜,有严重的中毒反应,之后我只有全在makro和Big C超市买菜,现在这6个菜摊的摊主都没变,只要我在菜摊买菜,难民署就会继续下毒。


我吃Big C中门早上卖菜摊卖的菜,中毒次数第二多,中毒反应第二重,难民署专门安排一名30多岁的女员工在此菜摊打工,我来买菜时,有人会通知她我来了,她就摆出我常买的,品质好的菜(有毒菜)销售。

我吃Big C东南边下午晚上卖菜摊卖的菜,中毒次数第三多,中毒反应第三重,此菜摊旁边的摊位有两名年青的女打工者,她们应该多次看到此菜摊主和难民署员工看到我来后,就摆出我常买的,品质好的菜(有毒菜)销售。





附:这6个菜摊视频链接、前二十五篇文章链接。 https://igdb4pss.blogspot.com/    https://igd0bpss.blogspot.com/ 



Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (39) - The CCP continues to poison food sold in large supermarkets in Thailand

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (39) - The CCP continues to poison food sold in large supermarkets in Thailand I sti...