
Wang Dalin: The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (18) - report 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十八)——报案

 Wang Dalin: The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (18) - report

       I think that the CCP puts poison in the food I eat every day in many ways, and there are also many ways of poisoning. As early as the CCP has poisoned the public water dispenser I drink every day for a long time, and the food I eat every day at my home During the poisoning period, the Thailand office of the United Nations Refugee Agency had already been bought, and under the banner of vegetable inspection, poisoning had been poisoned in the vegetables I bought for a long time.
       After I published the tenth and seventeenth articles, the CCP can no longer poison the public drinking fountains, or the food in my home. It only poisons the vegetables sold in the supermarkets and vegetable stalls where I buy vegetables. Toxic, when I eat the vegetables bought in these places, my fingers are often red and swollen, rashes often occur, and my lower body often itches, which means that the vegetables are poisonous.
       The "Thai office" bought by the CCP, under the banner of using vegetables to inspect refugees, paid a lot of money to buy the person in charge of the supermarket, and arranged for a number of people who were bought by the "Thai office" to put poison in their vegetables to buy at the convenience of the supermarket. I worked in the post of poisoning, and together with the person in charge of the supermarket, I sold the vegetables I often bought as inspection dishes at a reduced price, and ordered the supermarket waiters and employees of the "Thailand Office" to prevent other customers from buying them on the grounds of inspection dishes. Putting poison in the vegetables for inspection, the "Thailand Office" will arrange people to buy the poisonous vegetables that I didn't buy and throw them away.
       Similarly, under the pretense of using vegetables to test refugees, the "Thailand Office" paid a lot of money to sell vegetable stalls around my residence, and ordered the employees of the "Thailand Office" to bring the high-quality, poisonous ones that I often buy. The poisoned vegetables were sold to the stall owner, and together with the stall owner, they prevented other customers from buying the poisonous vegetables on the grounds of inspecting the vegetables. The "Thailand Office" would arrange people to buy and throw away the poisonous vegetables that I did not buy.
       In the entire poisoning case, the person in charge of the supermarket, the supermarket waiter, the owner of the vegetable stall, and the employees of the "Thai Office" probably did not know that there was poison in the vegetables and were accomplices; The organizer, the poisoner, the person who buys and throws away the poisonous vegetables, and the manipulator of these four kinds of people, they all know that the vegetables are poisonous, and they are the main culprits; the main person in charge of the "Thailand Office" has long led the "Thai The "office" poisoned the vegetables I bought, which is the main culprit.
       The above is what I think is the case.
The Royal Thai Police, the Thai Prosecutor's Office, the Prime Minister's Office of Thailand, the Supreme Court of Thailand, and the Ministry of Justice of Thailand.
                                                                                Wang Dalin (refugee number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                 Written in Bangkok, Thailand on November 22, 2022
Attachment: Links to the first seventeen articles.  https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/       https://igdc8pss.blogspot.com/
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       类似,“泰办处”打着用菜考查难民的旗号,重金收买我住处周围卖菜摊主,支使 “泰办处”员工去拿来我常买的、品质好的、下毒者已下了毒的菜给摊主销售,并和摊主一起,以考查菜为由阻止其他顾客购买,我没买的有毒菜,“泰办处”会安排人来买走扔掉。
附:前十七篇文章链接。  https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/       https://igdc8pss.blogspot.com/

Wang Dalin's rotten fingers video (photo taken on September 8, 2022) 汪达林手指烂视频(2022年9月8日摄)


Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (17) - Report 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十七)——报案

 Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (17) - Report

       In my opinion, the CCP poisoned the food in my house since the end of August last year, and has continued until now, without interruption. On July 24 last year, I bought an electric kettle. After I boiled the water myself, some of the symptoms caused by drinking the toxic water from the public water dispenser improved day by day, but by the end of August, instead of continuing to improve, it worsened and started again. Diarrhea and frequent urination, until August 20 this year. My fingers and lower body are rotten. It probably started in November last year, and it has only been a few days until now.
       "On May 26, 2022, I suddenly discovered that after the blood vessel in my left thumb ruptured for no reason, I did not buy vegetables at the food stalls near my residence that may have been poisoned. As a result, my fingers were rotten and healed quickly." I think, yes At this time, the CCP deliberately did not put the poison that caused my fingers to rot in my house, and wanted me to mistakenly think that someone had poisoned the vegetables I bought.
       On the evening of August 18 this year, at my house, I turned on my mobile phone and said loudly, "...All these prove that many people in ChinaAid have been bought by the CCP. They can cooperate with the CCP to do the above things, and they can also cooperate with the CCP. Poisoned oil, salt, and rice in my house." On August 20, my bowel movements were no longer loose, and it has been until now. The CCP believes that there are many people involved in poisoning in my house, and it lasts for a long time, and it will definitely be investigated. In order to avoid guilt, it stopped using a poison in my house that would cause diarrhea.
       Room 205, Room 211, Room 212, Room 213, the doors or windows of these 4 houses are all within 2 meters from the door or window of my house. If the distance is so close, if any one of them has not been arrested by the CCP Bought, the CCP’s long-term poisoning behavior in my home will be exposed. These four companies were absolutely bought by the CCP, and they all participated in the poisoning in my home.
       Room 205 is the closest to my house. The poisoner took the key to my house that the CCP had assigned, and it only took 5 seconds to enter my house from room 205. ) The person who came from Room 205 first had to block the camera for more than 10 seconds, entered my house and blocked it for more than 10 seconds, and came to block it for more than 10 seconds, and it had to be blocked for a long time, and their behavior was obvious; People reported that if someone went up and down the stairs, they would see them enter my house. From the end of August last year to the present, all the people living in Room 205 have participated in poisoning my house.
       The people who live in Room 211 are at home every day. Their main task is to help block the cameras in the west and report messages in the east. The men often smoke, cough, and make noise in front of my window.
       There is a pinhole camera installed on the window of Room 212, which has been secretly filming at my house for a long time.
       Room 213 has been occupied by people from China Aid Association. They changed the inward-opening door to outward-opening, and held a clothesline by the door; they opened the door and stood beside the door to dry their clothes. The cameras of the 1990s would not be able to capture the people who came into my house and poisoned them, and they would not arouse suspicion; they were the ones who blocked the most cameras on the west side and helped the CCP the most when they entered my house and poisoned them.
       The above is what I think is the case.
The Royal Thai Police, the Thai Prosecutor's Office, the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand, the Supreme Court of Thailand, the Ministry of Justice of Thailand and other units.
                                                                                Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                 Written in Bangkok, Thailand on September 12, 2022
Attached: Links to the first sixteen articles. https://igd0bpss1.blogspot.com/     https://igd3bpss1.blogspot.com/
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Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (16) - The Difference Between Animals and Humans 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十六)——畜生与人的区别

 Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (16) - The Difference Between Animals and Humans

       On May 26, 2022, I suddenly discovered that after the blood vessel in my left thumb was ruptured for no reason, I stopped buying vegetables from the food stalls near my residence that may have been poisoned. As a result, my fingers were rotten and healed quickly. But the good times didn’t last long, and then it continued to rot again, and the condition was stable. During this time, I mainly bought vegetables in a supermarket in the distance, and tried my best not to buy the vegetables that I often buy and the reduced prices. It is impossible for anyone to buy from me stably for a long time. poison in the dishes.
       I think it was definitely the CCP that took advantage of my absence for a long time, secretly unlocked my two door locks, entered my house, and poisoned the oil, salt, and rice I eat every day. Now I still have a bag of glutinous rice bought in the supermarket at home. I didn't eat because my fingers got worse when I was eating. Because the CCP has poisoned the drinking water I drink every day and the food I eat for a long time, my body has been poisoned by the CCP, and it continues to poison the food I eat every day. If I am killed by the CCP, the people of the world must punish these murderers severely in accordance with the law, and must not let CCP members go unpunished. I have never heard of a person who poisoned the drinking water or food eaten by CCP members, because we are human and we must act according to the law.
       In my opinion, CCP members have lost their humanity because of their opposition to religious beliefs. The CCP consists of a group of beasts. I told the truth that "the dictator Jiang Zemin actually holds the power of the country and indeed controls Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping to perform at the front desk", and it has been poisoned in the public water dispenser I drink every day for a long time, and in the food I eat every day for a long time. poisoning, biting me with dogs for a long time, sticking blood-stained bamboo sticks on the path I walk every day, letting a highly poisonous green snake bite me, deceiving and bribing more than 10,000 people to spit on me, and so on. This is the difference between beasts and humans.
                                                                                        Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                         Written in Bangkok, Thailand on August 28, 2022
Attachment: Links to the first fifteen articles.  https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/      https://igdb8pss.blogspot.com/
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       我认为 ,中共党员因为反对信仰宗教,导致了人性泯灭,中共由一群畜生组成。我说了一句“独裁者江泽民实际掌握国家大权,确操控胡锦涛、习近平在前台表演”的真话,它就长期在我每天喝的公用饮水机里下毒、长期在我每天吃的食物里下毒、长期用狗咬我、在我每天走的小路上插满是血迹的竹签、放剧毒青蛇咬我、欺骗收买一万多人对我喷唾沫、等等等等。这就是畜生与人的区别。
附:前十五篇文章链接。 https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/       https://igdb8pss.blogspot.com/

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (15) - Long live understanding 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十五)——理解万岁

 Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (15) - Long live understanding

       In my opinion, the Chinese Communist Party is the most evil and anti-democratic political party in the world, Jiang Zemin is definitely a dictator, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping are definitely the actors that Jiang Zemin manipulated and deceived the world. There is no doubt about this. Now the CCP is betraying its promise and continues to slaughter people against humanity. The United States has not only failed to expose and crack down on this most important matter, but has been helping it with propaganda. The United States has a major crisis in this matter.
       I think that in the early days of the outbreak of the 2019-nCoV in Wuhan, China, the CCP concealed the epidemic, which led to a large-scale outbreak of the epidemic. While the United States beat the CCP on the epidemic, some people in the world thought the United States had gone too far. Is it because the United States does not know that Jiang Zemin is a dictator? Has America gone too far? The thirteenth article I wrote, "The Farmer and the Snake", not only hit the CCP's most deadly point, but also helped the United States resolve these two major crises.
       The fourteenth article I wrote, "Blood Vessel Rupture", hit another deadly point of the CCP. Only when facts and reasons are sufficient can the conclusion be convincing. When Falun Gong, supported by the United States, hit the CCP's critical point, It is the CCP that is a cult. This kind of attack just blocks the most deadly point of the CCP, and the speech is far-fetched, because political parties and religions are two different categories.
       The reason why Falun Gong does this is obvious, because whether it is what Li Hongzhi has repeatedly said or what Falun Gong practitioners think, Falun Gong is a practice, not a religion.
       In this way, when the people of the world attack the CCP, they will not only conflict with Falun Gong's remarks, but also attack Falun Gong. This is why Falun Gong, which is supported by the United States, is fighting against the CCP. Falun Gong itself has big problems, which is why I hope Falun Gong converts to the monotheistic Buddhism that I founded.
       After Falun Gong converted to the monotheistic Buddhism I founded, not only did Falun Gong practitioners have true religious beliefs, but Falun Gong had no flaws, which was not only conducive to the progress and development of Falun Gong, but also to the unity of the forces of justice to fight evil with clenched fists. (After Falun Gong converted to the monotheistic Buddhism I founded, the practice was still led by Li Hongzhi).
                                                                                  Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                    Written in Bangkok, Thailand on August 8, 2022
Attachment: Links to the first fourteen articles. https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/        https://igd0bpss1.blogspot.com/
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附:前十四篇文章链接。  https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/        https://igd0bpss1.blogspot.com/


Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (14) - Broken Blood Vessel 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十四)——血管破裂

 Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (14) - Broken Blood Vessel

       On May 26, 2022, I suddenly discovered that the blood vessels in my left thumb were ruptured for no reason. This was a bad omen. The blood vessels in my fingers ruptured for no reason, which means that the blood vessels in my body are prone to rupture.
       In my opinion, the Chinese Communist Party not only bribed the UNHCR Thailand office, but also the CCP agents directly arranged to work in the "Thailand Office". They used the name of the UNHCR and bribed with money to directly lead the murder of me. Since then In November last year, I exposed that after they had been poisoning the public water dispenser that I drink every day for a long time, they changed it to poisoning the food I eat every day for a long time. There are also cramps in the hands and feet, and rotten fingers and lower body (the poisonous water that causes the rotten fingers is discharged from the fingers, that is, the body is detoxifying).
       In my opinion, the Chinese Communist Party is composed of a group of beasts whose human nature has been wiped out because of their opposition to religion. Their world outlook and outlook on life are that this is a world where the strong eat the weak and only rely on cruelty and cunning to survive at the top of the food chain, so the CCP is anti-human. The massacre of the people is inevitable, not based on the will of the people. In my opinion, kindness to the CCP is cruelty to the people of the world, and to attack the CCP is to show love for mankind. As long as I still have a breath, I will do my part to eradicate the evil force of the CCP.
                                                                                Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                  Written in Bangkok, Thailand on July 7, 2022
Attachment: Links to the first thirteen articles.   https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/   https://igdc8pss.blogspot.com/
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附:前十三篇文章链接。  https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/       https://igdc8pss.blogspot.com/


Wang Dalin: The UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (13) - The Farmer and the Snake 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十三)——农夫与蛇

 Wang Dalin: The UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (13) - The Farmer and the Snake

       In a cold winter, a kind farmer, after finishing his farm work, came home with a hoe, saw a snake on the roadside that was about to freeze to death, put the snake in his arms and warmed it with his body, the snake was warmed , After waking up, he even slammed into the farmer's chest.
       In my opinion, the relationship between the United States and the CCP is like a farmer and a snake. The United States negotiates with the CCP for China’s progress and development. As long as the CCP lifts restrictions on religious belief in China and follows the road of a market economy, it is guaranteed to complete four 5-year plans. The U.S. will not reveal the truth that the dictator Jiang Zemin actually holds the power of the country and indeed manipulates Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping to deceive the world. The CCP agrees to survive in order to survive. The U.S. has not revealed the truth. For the sake of China's progress and development, the United States not only has to endure the misunderstanding of the people of the world for a long time, but also suffers from the harm of the CCP for a long time.
       In my opinion, no matter how you fight a poisonous snake like the CCP, it is not too much.
                                                                               Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                  Written in Bangkok, Thailand on May 28, 2022
Attached: Links to the first twelve articles. https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/     https://igdb8pss.blogspot.com/ 
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附:前十二篇文章链接。  https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/       https://igdb8pss.blogspot.com/  


Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (12) - Smoking 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十二)——抽烟

 Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (12) - Smoking

       In recent months, many people have often smoked in front of the door under the window of my house, and cigarettes are often poured into my room. Sometimes I wake up at night and find the house full of smoke. Now the 2019 coronavirus disease is spreading around the world and has caused 6 million deaths, and the disease is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets. Outdoors, the droplets cannot hover in the air, and the transmission distance is less than 2 meters. However, if the droplets are smoked The smoke spit out by people from the respiratory tract at the same time is carried into the room, and the droplets carried by the smoke can be suspended in the air for a long time. If you inhale the smoke spit out by many people for a long time, the risk of infection will be greatly increased.
       Who is so sinister and vicious? In my opinion, I single-mindedly founded the greatest religion in the world, monotheistic Buddhism, to help the people of the world eliminate their mental suffering. Only the CCP without religious beliefs can be so sinister and vicious. The CCP has long bought the UNHCR Thailand office in the name of targeting refugees. Under the slogan of the investigation, a large number of buyers have been spraying droplets on me for a long time, delusionally trying to infect me with the epidemic, so that they can kill without being condemned by world public opinion, and killing without being hit by the forces of justice in the world.
       Can the CCP's conspiracy succeed? I think he was dreaming. I just didn’t write these twelve articles and died of an epidemic. This epidemic also broke out in China ruled by the CCP, and spread from China ruled by the CCP to the world. I was also killed by the CCP.
                                                                     Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                       Written in Bangkok, Thailand on May 16, 2022
Attached: Links to the first eleven articles. https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/      https://igdc8pss.blogspot.com/
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附:前十一篇文章链接。 https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/      https://igdc8pss.blogspot.com/

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (11) - Intentionally spreading disease 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十一)——故意传播疾病

 Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (11) - Intentionally spreading disease

       I have exposed the truth that the dictator Jiang Zemin actually holds the power of the state and actually controls the truth that Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping are performing in the foreground. The CCP wants to murder me and threaten all mankind.
       I think that in order to murder me, the CCP bought the UNHCR Thailand office, and under the name of UNHCR, under the banner of examining refugees, they poisoned the public drinking fountains in Thailand for a long time; bit me with dogs for a long time; Bamboo sticks covered with bloodstains are inserted on the path I walk every day; a highly poisonous green snake is used to bite me; since December 2014 till now, more than 10,000 people have been deceived and bought to spit on me. People, the "Thai Office" almost always asks them to spit on me. The "Thai Office" has a lot of money every day to buy people to spit on me. In shopping malls, restaurants, Internet cafes and other public places, "Thai Office" The office "has been spreading a lot of diseases to the Thai people for a long time, while a large number of bribes have spat at me for a long time.
       I believe that after the first case of COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, China on December 1, 2019, the epidemic spread rapidly across the country, killing a large number of Chinese people. The CCP knows that this epidemic is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets, and that The speed is the fastest and the number of deaths is the largest, so I bought the "Thai Office". From January 2020 to the present, in the more than two years that the epidemic has spread in Thailand, an average of about 20 people have been bought every day to spray droplets on me and follow the public. Like poisoning in the water dispenser, they harmed me together with the Thai people, for example: walking on a pedestrian bridge with many people for a long time, I have to walk many times a day, beggars who talk to people without wearing a mask; Waiting for the bus, I have to go to the station many times a day, the staff on duty who talk to people without wearing a mask; the security guard who is on duty without a mask in Ramkhamhaeng University for a long time, etc., the "Thai Office" has long bribed them to talk to me. At the same time, it has also caused a lot of harm to the Thai people for a long time. There are many diseases spread through droplets. The spread of COVID-19 in Thailand alone has killed more than 20,000 Thai people and dealt a major blow to Thailand's economic development.
       The CCP bought the "Thailand Office" to deliberately spread the disease in Thailand. It lasted for a long time, the number of participants was too large, and the harm was too great. The CCP could not deny it. The long-term intentional destruction of epidemic prevention and control must be severely punished in accordance with the law to save the soul, to educate others, to maintain the dignity of Thai law, and to be severely punished in accordance with the law to seek justice for the more than 20,000 Thai people who died of the disease!
                                                                        Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                         Written in Bangkok, Thailand on February 21, 2022
       Attached: Links to the first ten articles.   https://igd3bpss.blogspot.com/         https://igdb4pss.blogspot.com/ 
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       附:前篇文章链接。     https://igd3bpss.blogspot.com/         https://igdb4pss.blogspot.com/

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (39) - The CCP continues to poison food sold in large supermarkets in Thailand

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (39) - The CCP continues to poison food sold in large supermarkets in Thailand I sti...